Endosymbiotic Origin & Host-Microbe Interactions

[2024/03/21] Farewell to Mr Thiti @ NCHU

We are glad to host Mr Thiti from Tohoku University this month. In addition to our promoter-based gene assembly and simultaneous overexpression (PGASO) technique for yeast construction, we also introduced him a lot of Taiwanese cuisines and cultures.

[2024/03/15] Huang Lab Party @ Blue Grotto Italian Kitchen, Taichung

The lab party was held to celebrate the start of a new year!

[2024/03/12] Cassava project @ NCHU, Taiwan

Settling up the experimental field for our upcoming cassava project.

[2024/03/05] The NCHU Museum of Natural History

We hosted Dr Wilhelm Gruissem and introduced him our newly opened NCHU Museum of Natural History in the College of Life Sciences.

[2024/02/07] Sport Time @ NTU, Taiwan

We played squash ball for the sport time this week and had a great dinner with uni friends.

[2023/12/11-15] TEM Training Course @ IPMB, Taiwan

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) attended the 2023 TEM Training Course held by Dr Wann-Neng Jane to learn the TEM plant sample preparation, imaging technologies and the structural details of the microscope itself.

[2023/11/25] Tree Project @ Alishan, Chiayi

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) visited the project collaborator Oscar, Shun-De Hong (洪舜德) for the tree project and enjoyed the fascinating mountain scenery of Taiwan.

[2023/11/23] Industrial Collaboration @ Hsinchu

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) visited the project collaborator Jimmy, Yu-Chih Fan (范宇志) and measured the leaf chlorophyll contents of endophytic biostimulants-applied tomato plants in the experimental field.

[2023/10/26] TEM @ IPMB, Taiwan

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) learned the negative staining and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technology to characterise and study the morphologies of a novel marine coral symbiont.

[2023/09/23] Lab Visit @ The University of Tokyo, Japan

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) visited the Laboratory of Aquatic Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Tokyo and learned fascinating nudibranch-algal symbiotic biology from Mr Hideaki Mizobata. They also had a special lunch at the school cafeteria and took photos together in front of the famous Akamon Gate.

[2023/09/10-14] ISE 2023 Conference @ Field Museum, Chicago

Congratulations to Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) on receiving a generous travel grant from the International Society of Endocytobiology (ISE) for attending the 15th International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis and presenting his MS work to the communities.

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) met the Bhattacharya Lab members in ISE 2023 and was greatly inspired by their fascinating coral-algae symbiosis research. Selfies with Dr Debashish (left photo), Felipe and Timothy (left and right in right photo).

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) met Shun-Min Yang & Yin-Yin Ho and had a great time in Chicago during the conference. Coincidentally, all of them are alumni of the Department of Horticulture, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan!

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) joined a rare behind-the-scenes tour to visit the Dino Prep Lab of the Field Museum.

[2023/08/27] Hot Spring Sample Collection @ Taitung

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) was bound for Taitung county to collect hot spring samples for the Cyanobacteria isolation. Luckily, it's also the last few days of the Taiwan International Balloon Festival. Great to attend this fantastic event for the very first time!

[2023/07/15] Gion Matsuri @ Kyoto, Japan

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) visited Dr Surachada Chuaychob from the Integrated Research Center for Carbon Negative Science (ICaNS) of the Institue of Advanced Energy (IAE), Kyoto University and attended the fascinating Gion Matsuri together!

[2023/06/30] Celebration Dinner @ Taichung

Congratulations to the Team NCHU_Taichung on winning the Gold Medal Award from the 2021 iGEM Competition, MA USA!

[2023/06/30] Hiking Trip @ Hehuanshan, Taichung

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) and his friends take a hiking trip at Mt Hehuan to celebrate the completion of MS defence.

[2023/06/29] MS defence @ NCHU, Taichung

Thanks to the committee (Dr Chieh-Chen Huang (黃介辰),  Dr Chih-Horng Kuo (郭志鴻) and Dr Chang-Hsien Yang (楊長賢)), Dr I-Jen Huang (黃怡仁) and Huang Lab members for helping Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) with his MS defence!

[2023/06/09] Graduation Photography @ NCHU, Taichung

Members of Huang Lab and Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) Team are taking photos with their advisor, Dr Chieh-Chen Huang (黃介辰), at the Department of Life Science to celebrate the upcoming graduation.

[2023/06/06] Graduation Photography @ AS-IPMB, Taipei

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) and Shen-Chian Pei are taking photos with their advisor, Dr Chih-Horng Kuo, at the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology to celebrate the upcoming graduation.

[2023/05/16] iGEM 2018 NCHU_Taichung Alumni Reunion Dinner @ Taichung

Great to gather with you folks again! Jenny is studying for her PhD at UGA and now with a short break in Taiwan; thanks for bringing us lots of USA sweets! Congratulations to Eugene on winning the DAAD scholarship to study for the PhD in Germany!

[2023/04/16] Field Trip @ Taichung

Firefly blooming season at Wufeng Qingtonglin Eco-Industrial Park, Taichung, Taiwan.

[2022/03/26] Tree & Tea Project @ Alishan, Chiayi

Vola! We harvested our first batch of Oolong Tea treated with endophytic biostimulants and were ready to measure its flavour and taste. Thanks to our collaborator Oscar and other team members who joined these projects. We also had delicious Taiwanese Chicken Rice for lunch before leaving Chiayi!

[2023/03/22] Kuo Lab Lunch @ Taipei

We gathered for a special lunch to celebrate Kuo Labs' recent achievements! Congratulations to our PI, Dr Chih-Horng Kuo, on receiving the IOM Derrick Edward Award and the PhD student Yu Wu on winning the First Place Award in the 2023 IPMB Travel Grant Competition!

[2023/03/15] Underwater Investigation @ Liuqiu, Pingtung

Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) returned to Liuqiu to investigate the Acropora species. Thanks to Yin-Ju for her underwater security and photography.

[2023/01/26-29] Liveaboard diving @ Similan Islands National Park @ Thailand

What a beautiful underwater life! Photos show Nudibranchia species, Rhinomuraena quaesita and Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳), underwater photographing at the North Andaman Sea.

[2023/01/17-20] Global Young Scientists Summit @ SUTD, Singapore

The group advisor Shih-Hsun Walter Hung (洪世勳) was invited as a representative of AS-IPMB, Taiwan to attend the 2023 Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS 2023) and give a poster presentation to the worldwide young scientists & Nobel Prizes winners!

[2023/01/08] Industrial Collaboration @ Hsinchu

Visit the project collaborator Jimmy, Yu-Chih Fan (范宇志) for endophytic biostimulants-applied tomato plants in experimental fields at Hsinchu County.